viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2016


Spain has a moderate population density with 92 inhabitants per km².
However, Spain´s population is unevenly distributed according to some historical factors affecting this distribution . These factors can be socieconomic, geografical... 
Spain is the 5th most populous country in the European Union. It´most populated comunities are: Andalusia(18%), Catalonia(16.1 %), Community of Valencia(10.8%) However, La Rioja(0,67%), Ceuta(0.18%), Melilla(0.18%).

The population is unevenly distributed  because many factors.
People prefer leaving in the cost and not in high altitudes like peaks, or  mesetas. In addition, the weather is an important fact. Nevertheless places like Madrid or Valladolid are very populated due to their big and strong industry, and economical estability.

2 comentarios:

  1. Javier, did you read the page of the textbook that I asked you to use as reference for the analysis of this graph?
