domingo, 11 de junio de 2017



(According to Spain´s constitution) Dec  7th 1978

 According to the section 1 of the constitution Spain is a social and democratic State, subject to the rule of law, which advocates freedom, justice, equality and political pluralism as highest values of its legal system. National sovereignty belongs to the Spanish people, from whom all State powers emanate. The head of the state is the King(nowadays Felipe VI) the symbol of its unity and permanence. In Spain the legislative, executive and judicial power is held by the Parliamentary Monarchy.

 Spain is organaiced into municipalities, provinces and Self-governing Communities in order to respect their interests and singularities.
 In addition Acording to the section 3 of the constitution Castilian is the official Spanish language of the State. All Spaniards have the duty to know it and the right to use it. On the other hand the other Spanish languages shall also be official in the respective Self-governing Communities in accordance with their Statutes.
 With regard to the relationship of the state with religion we can say that  freedom of ideology, religion and worship is guaranteed. No one may be compelled to make statements regarding his or her ideology, religion or beliefs. Eventualy, no religion shall have a state character. The public authorities shall take into account the religious beliefs of Spanish society and shall consequently maintain appropriate cooperation relations with the Catholic Church and other confessions.

Spain´s constitution is based on the indissoluble unity of the Spanish Nation, the common and indivisible homeland of all Spaniards; it recognises and guarantees the right to selfgovernment of the nationalities and regions of which it is composed and the solidarity among them all.

sábado, 27 de mayo de 2017


I have recently seen an amusing documentary obout North Korea I wish you like it
North Korea, oficially the Democratic People's Republic of Korea , is a country in East Asia constituting the northern part of the Korean Peninsula. Pyongyang is the nation's capital and largest city.

In 1910, Korea was annexed by de Empire of Japan . After the Japanese surrender at the end of WWII in 1945, Korea was divided into two zones along the 38th parallel by the United states and the Soviet Union, with the north occupied biy the soviets and the south by the Americans. Negotiations on reuninfication failed, and in 1948, separate governments were formed: the socialist Democratic People's Republic of Korea in the north, and the capitalist Republic of Korea in the south. An invasion initiated by North Korea led to the Korean War (1950–1953). The Korean Armistice Agreement brought about a ceasefire, but no peace treaty was signed.

Here we can see some of latest news related to so.

-The New York Times;
Worried over what they described as President Trump’s erratic response to North Korea´s behavior, 64 Democratic legislators urged him on Tuesday to talk directly to the North Koreans — and warned that he would need congressional approval for any pre-emptive military strike.

-The Diplomat;
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi paid an official visit to Russia from May 25 to 26 and had a talk with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Both ministers reached an agreement on that military means “should never be an option” for solving the North Korea issue.

-The Sun;
North Korean defector claims Kim Jong- un has Hundreds of attack drones capable of dropping biological and chemical weapons on South Korea in under an hour.

The documentary shows that there have been a total of 2 dictators but the current one is the thirth, Kim Jong-un. The previous ones where Kim Jong-il (The father of Kim Jong-un) and Kim II-sung (The father of Kim Jong-il )

In spite of the amaunt of time which have pass since the country was created, the "democratic" country has only been ruled by the main party, something which is quite suspiciosus in a democrazy. The main instrument that the head of the state uses to mantain the dictatorship regime is threatening cityzens of sending them to  reeducation camps and polyticians to internment camps.

The word Gulag has been termed in addition not only the administration of the camps of concentration but also the Soviet system of forced labour in itself, in all its forms and varieties: fields of work, punishment, criminals and politicians, women, children or transit. Or even more, the prisoners on occasion called him «Meat Broyeur»: arrests, interrogations, transport vehicles for cattle, forced labour, the destruction of families, years lost in exile, premature deaths and innecesarias.
When the Soviet Unión disappeared, Kim II-sung continued lidering North Korea so the rules didn´t change much, due to North Korea was part of the soviet unión it also had gulags, nowadays the government continues sending cityzens to something similar.
There is a total of 6 political prison camps and 10 reeducation camps known. However it is thougt that there are many more.

According to the video, like in North Korea, in a dictatorship the dictator has all the powers and is over the law. In addition, dictatorships re used to change the history of the country and it´s origins. sometimes even giving "unthestral powers" to the head of the state.

Also I would like to compare the life of occidental people like me with North Korea´s people.
North Korean familys have no rights if the dictator wants to kill, torturate or rape one of the members of a family in front of them, saddly he just can, nobody will stop him. However that is something unthinkable in europe or in U.S.A. with that I am saying all. In addition, the teenagers lifes are also just the oposit. Here we have many rights, and something very important,we are free. In the other hand, North Korean teenagers must start the obligatory national military service, not only men, women also.

 Finally I must admit that while I was doing the Project you have in front of you I just got horrified when I saw this image, if there are pictures like that from such an hermetic nd isolated country what terrible things may be happening rigth now.

Resultado de imagen de north korean family life

sábado, 22 de abril de 2017

jueves, 16 de febrero de 2017


Hoyt model  is based on the circles on the Burgess model, but adds sectors of similar land uses concentrated in parts of the city. Notice how some zones, eg the factories/industry zone, radiate out from the CBD. This is probably following the line of a main road or a railway.

miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2017


Cities are places where large amounts of people and their activities are concentrated.
The city we are going to analyze is in Castile and León, Spain. It is located near the frontier with Portugal and crossed by the Duero river. Where a prehistorical settlement was established.

The city plan shows an irregular layout , which time ago was all surrounded by a large stone wall. In addition, combined with the castle and it´s deep ditch, provided Zamora the name of "la bien cercada" because in ancient times protected Zamora´s inhabitants of invations. Actually, the wall suffered some improvements and ampliations due to the continuous increasing number of population.
The main historic buildings that keeps in, are the cathedral,  the Condes de Alba y Aliste palace , and some other churches. Although, some parisis did not have enough space inside, so they decided to go outskirts. Sadly only 3km of the wall have survived to the years.
Nowadays, the main urban functions of the historic center are cultural and residential. Some of the problems that affect the historic center are the shortage of public transport , the appearance of abbandoned houses, and ageing population. As a result some possible solutions are making wider streets to let pulic transport arrive to it, and also makin more more economic the lands otherwise the abbandoned houses will never be restored and converted in homes.

 The pattern of the expansion zone is irregual, the city was divided by three main streets Santa Clara, San Torcuarto and Balborraz. After that, some of the most representative transformations of this period can be found in the appearance of the flour bussines (Harinas Bobo)(industrial), important and beautiful bourgeois´ houses that provide a great eye enjoyment (residential), Mercado de Abastos (comercial), the construction of the train staition and also some ludic buildings as the Casino.
Despite all these changes, the main urban fuction of the área continue been residential.
Some of the problems which affect this part of the city are traffic in peak hours, building restoration, lack of services and the necesity of a better conditions public transport. However,  some possible solutions are the investment of money and some law changes to reduce traffic.

 The outskirts of the city include the residential areas created to cover the demand of the rural exodus that took place in the 1960s-70s, such as Los Bloques or San José Obrero . In addition, Zamora has residential areas created in the 80s following the Garden City model which are  located next to the hospital, in the wesrtern part of the city. Also we have some residential áreas recently crated in the Zamora´s alfoz, like Siglo XXI, or the one located in Morales del Vino. All of them following a regular pattern.
There are also industrial and business áreas including La Hiniesta and Los Llanos Industrial paks, Vistalegre or Valderaduey  situated all around Zamora. Furthermore, some Zamora´s services are Corazón de María school, Virgen de la Concha, Provincial Hospital and Recoletas  hospitals. Moreover, The main transportation networks found in this area are Autovía A-66, Nacional N-630 and Nacional N-122, apart from the Ave rails.
Some of the problems affecting the outskirts of the city are a lack of a good public transport and too much distance to the city center. However,  some possible solutions are the investment of money in public transport.

jueves, 9 de febrero de 2017


Make your own mind maps with Mindomo.

jueves, 19 de enero de 2017


An agricultural landscape is a natural area which has been modified by humans to obtain products from nature.

The image shows an inland landscape, possibly located in the Iberian Plateau.
refering to the relief, it is a plane without any elevation. The area has no vegetation, except some scarce bushes around the paths, and some few plots, so it is an scrubland landscape, this maiby hapens due to low rainfall. In addition, there are not any rivers, lakes or springs. Probably these is a problem for the farmers of the place which may build Canals to irrigate their plots. According to all these, the climateof this location sims to be arid.

The predominant use of the land is for farming, the plots which are in the image are medium-size  open fields, with dry farming crops of extensive and monoculture parcels. In addition if we pay attention, the furrows and the marks on the lots tell us that are Modern-Mechanized lands probably of a private land ownership.
In the picture we also can see a nucleated rural settlement so a secondary use of the land could be for living and building houses.

This combination of houses and Medium-size plots are typical of rural landscapes, however rural areas are having some issues.
Some of the problems are depopulation the ageing of it and the lack of services and infraestructures like schools, roats, and those ones relacionated with health care like hospitals.

 Among the measures that can be applied to deal with them, we find the creation of industries, this would draw young dependents. In addition, if the government invest in new infrasestructures, the people would not go to big citys, letting their homes alone.