sábado, 27 de mayo de 2017


I have recently seen an amusing documentary obout North Korea I wish you like it
North Korea, oficially the Democratic People's Republic of Korea , is a country in East Asia constituting the northern part of the Korean Peninsula. Pyongyang is the nation's capital and largest city.

In 1910, Korea was annexed by de Empire of Japan . After the Japanese surrender at the end of WWII in 1945, Korea was divided into two zones along the 38th parallel by the United states and the Soviet Union, with the north occupied biy the soviets and the south by the Americans. Negotiations on reuninfication failed, and in 1948, separate governments were formed: the socialist Democratic People's Republic of Korea in the north, and the capitalist Republic of Korea in the south. An invasion initiated by North Korea led to the Korean War (1950–1953). The Korean Armistice Agreement brought about a ceasefire, but no peace treaty was signed.

Here we can see some of latest news related to so.

-The New York Times; https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/23/world/asia/congress-trump-kim-north-korea-nuclear-direct-talks.html?_r=0
Worried over what they described as President Trump’s erratic response to North Korea´s behavior, 64 Democratic legislators urged him on Tuesday to talk directly to the North Koreans — and warned that he would need congressional approval for any pre-emptive military strike.

-The Diplomat; http://thediplomat.com/2017/05/china-gains-russias-support-on-north-korea-issue/
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi paid an official visit to Russia from May 25 to 26 and had a talk with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Both ministers reached an agreement on that military means “should never be an option” for solving the North Korea issue.

-The Sun; https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/3641056/north-korea-defector-kim-jong-un-attack-drones-biological-chemical-weapons-south-korea/
North Korean defector claims Kim Jong- un has Hundreds of attack drones capable of dropping biological and chemical weapons on South Korea in under an hour.

The documentary shows that there have been a total of 2 dictators but the current one is the thirth, Kim Jong-un. The previous ones where Kim Jong-il (The father of Kim Jong-un) and Kim II-sung (The father of Kim Jong-il )

In spite of the amaunt of time which have pass since the country was created, the "democratic" country has only been ruled by the main party, something which is quite suspiciosus in a democrazy. The main instrument that the head of the state uses to mantain the dictatorship regime is threatening cityzens of sending them to  reeducation camps and polyticians to internment camps.

The word Gulag has been termed in addition not only the administration of the camps of concentration but also the Soviet system of forced labour in itself, in all its forms and varieties: fields of work, punishment, criminals and politicians, women, children or transit. Or even more, the prisoners on occasion called him «Meat Broyeur»: arrests, interrogations, transport vehicles for cattle, forced labour, the destruction of families, years lost in exile, premature deaths and innecesarias.
When the Soviet Unión disappeared, Kim II-sung continued lidering North Korea so the rules didn´t change much, due to North Korea was part of the soviet unión it also had gulags, nowadays the government continues sending cityzens to something similar.
There is a total of 6 political prison camps and 10 reeducation camps known. However it is thougt that there are many more.

According to the video, like in North Korea, in a dictatorship the dictator has all the powers and is over the law. In addition, dictatorships re used to change the history of the country and it´s origins. sometimes even giving "unthestral powers" to the head of the state.

Also I would like to compare the life of occidental people like me with North Korea´s people.
North Korean familys have no rights if the dictator wants to kill, torturate or rape one of the members of a family in front of them, saddly he just can, nobody will stop him. However that is something unthinkable in europe or in U.S.A. with that I am saying all. In addition, the teenagers lifes are also just the oposit. Here we have many rights, and something very important,we are free. In the other hand, North Korean teenagers must start the obligatory national military service, not only men, women also.

 Finally I must admit that while I was doing the Project you have in front of you I just got horrified when I saw this image, if there are pictures like that from such an hermetic nd isolated country what terrible things may be happening rigth now.

Resultado de imagen de north korean family life

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